(03/22/2024) In a recent episode of UnHerd, a podcast hosted by ACT, Suhas Dixit shared his journey from being a chemistry major to becoming a social entrepreneur. Driven by his early experiences with plastic waste and a desire to create meaningful change, Suhas founded APChemi to address the gaps in India's plastic waste management system.
APChemi's cutting-edge technology is breaking barriers associated with traditional recycling methods. By converting non-recyclable plastic waste into a purified oil that can be used to produce sustainable chemicals and even aviation fuel, the company is not only tackling the plastic waste crisis but also offsetting the demand for fossil fuels.
Throughout the conversation, Suhas emphasized the importance of perseverance, customer-centricity, and having a strong sense of purpose in navigating the challenges faced by clean tech entrepreneurs in India. He also highlighted the critical role of mentors and advisors in reducing the struggle and fostering growth.
Looking ahead, APChemi aims to divert 500 kilotons of plastic waste per annum away from landfilling and incineration by 2030. APChemi setting up India's first pyrolysis oil purification plant to upgrade pyrolysis oil to meet the requirements of petrochemical buyers and is actively working on licensing its technology to reduce India's dependence on crude oil.
Form more information, contact@apchemi.com