Case Studies on:
i. Plastic, Biomass & Tyre Pyrolysis
ii. Pyrolysis Oil Purification
1. Municipal Solid Waste Plastic to Purified Pyrolysis Oil to Replace Diesel
APChemi licensed technology and supplied a 10 TPD pyrolysis plant to a Client in Africa.
The plant processes municipal solid waste segregated plastic, clearing over 9,000,000 kg of plastic waste since its inception.
It produces 7,000 L/day of high-quality pyrolysis oil, which has replaced industrial diesel in nearby industries.
APChemi is working closely with the Client to raise funds, provide technology and engineering support, and scale up the project to five times its current size.

2. Multilayer Packaging (MLP) Plastic Waste to Circular Products
APChemi supplied a cutting-edge 6 TPD pyrolysis plant and technology to a leading producer of multi-layer packaging. Multilayer packaging is the most challenging feed stock for pyrolysis, but, not for APChemi.
After commissioning, APChemi operated the plant for 2 years, producing industrial diesel, fuel gas, and industrial chemicals.
The excess pyrolysis gas was used as a fuel to distil 80,000 litres of water per day in a Multi-Effect Evaporator.
The feedstock composition included multilayer packaging waste containing PET, PVC, Aluminum, and other mixed plastics.
APChemi developed a purification process to meet the feedstock quality requirements of polymer producers, advancing the circular economy for hard-to-recycle multi-layer packaging.

3. Empowering Pyrolysis Entrepreneurs
In 2018, APChemi delivered a 8 TPD Plastic Pyrolysis Plant and technology to a pyrolysis entrepreneur.
APChemi was responsible for the initial design, engineering, fabrication, and supply of equipment.
The plant was installed and commissioned ahead of schedule, with a capacity of over 8 TPD, and has been performing well since.
APChemi provided extensive training and support during the startup and commissioning stage, ensuring a smooth handover.
The Client has expressed satisfaction with APChemi's technology, service, and commitment to their success, stating their intention to re-engage APChemi for future expansion.
This project has now achieved ISCC Plus certification and is supplying purified pyrolysis oil for production of advanced recycled circular plastics using APChemi's technology.

4. Mixed Plastic Waste to Pyrolysis Oil
APChemi licensed technology and supplied a 10 TPD pyrolysis plant to a Client in Africa.
The plant processes municipal solid waste segregated plastic, clearing over 9,000,000 kg of plastic waste since its inception.
It produces 7,000 L/day of high-quality pyrolysis oil, which has replaced industrial diesel in nearby industries.
APChemi is working closely with the Client to raise funds, provide technology and engineering support, and scale up the project to five times its current size.

5. Biomass to Biofuels
A satisfied Client of APChemi installed a 4000 kg/24-hour plastic pyrolysis plant in 2018.
APChemi supplied, installed, and commissioned the plant within the agreed timeframe and provided comprehensive training to the Client's personnel. -
Since its handover, the pyrolysis plant has been operating efficiently with an uptime of 320 to 340 days per year.
APChemi has consistently provided support, assisting with spares and maintenance to ensure the plant's smooth functioning.
The plant does not emit smoke or produce any chemical smell, ensuring a safe and environmentally-friendly operation.

6. Plastic and Tyre Waste to Pyrolysis Oil
In 2014 APChemi successfully commissioned a 5TPD pyrolysis plant for a Client, comprising various components such as a feeding system, pyrolysis reactor system, gas handling system, and more.
The installation work was completed as per the Client's expectations, and all deliverables were prepared in accordance with project specifications and requirements.
The Client expressed gratitude and well wishes for APChemi's future endeavours and indicated their intention to work with APChemi for future expansion projects.
Client has expanded the plant capacity over time and now processes 12 to 15TPD of plastic waste.

7. Pioneering Plastic Circularity with PUROIL™ Technology
APChemi is launching its own 1.2 KTA PUROIL™ Pyrolysis Oil Purification Plant near Mumbai, India, to revolutionise plastic recycling.
The plant will utilise APChemi's patented PUROIL™ technology to convert contaminated pyrolysis oil from plastic waste into high-quality PUROIL™.
PUROIL™ will be free from impurities, making it suitable for the production of circular plastics and sustainable chemicals/fuels.
APChemi will issue recycling certificates to FMCGs, as PUROIL™ will be used for the production of circular plastics.
PUROIL™ will be supplied to APChemi's prospective global clients, including petrochemical giants and FMCGs interested in sourcing plastic recycling certificates.
APChemi plans to upgrade the plant's capacity from 1.2 KTA to 7.5 KTA by the end of 2025, demonstrating its commitment to scaling up plastic recycling efforts.

8. 50TPD Biomass Pyrolysis Plant Troubleshooting
Overcoming severe operational setbacks of a 3rd-party biomass pyrolysis technology, APchemi swiftly addressed clogging, heat exchange, and emission leakage issues in a stalled biomass pyrolysis plant imported from China. Our tailored solutions revived the plant's functionality, preventing prolonged shutdowns and enhancing energy efficiencies. With our expertise the plant is now poised for seamless operation.

These case studies demonstrate APChemi's expertise in delivering tailored pyrolysis solutions for a wide range of feedstocks, including plastic waste, multilayer packaging, biomass, and tyres. APChemi's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction has enabled its Clients to achieve their circular economy goals and contribute to a cleaner environment.